Introducing a system that enables a rich, accurate and efficient reading experience, through over-text marking.
Tempo-Graphone (TG)
Faster or slower, as a factor of normal reading pace, or as a pause, in seconds.
Pitch-Graphone (PG)
Louder, up to a scream, or quieter, down to a whisper.
Stress-Graphone (SG)
Expressive intensity, associated with syllables and parts of a word.
TG1: Includes the whole word. The mark is close to the right, indicating faster reading.
TG2: Includes only the 'read' syllable. The mark is slightly to the left, indicating slightly slower reading. The rest of the word is read at normal speed.
TG3: Includes only the 'graph' syllable. The mark is to the far left, indicating very slow reading. The rest of the word is read at normal speed.
TG4: Pause for 1 second.
TG5: Pause for 3 second.
PG1: The mark is close to bottom, indicating a near whisper.
PG2: Normal volume.
PG3: Higher volume.
SG1: Stress the whole word.
SG2: Stress the last part of the name.
SG3: Stress the middle part of the name.
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